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Visual Field Test

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What Is A Visual Field Test?

Visual field tests are used to assess your field of vision particularly your peripheral vision (how much you see all around you rather than just straight ahead). They are used to detect areas of vision loss (blind spots) and can also be used to monitor the progression of these defects.

This test is done uniocularly (with one eye covered) and you are given a buzzer to hold then asked to focus on a central light. Other lights then flash around the bowl of varying brightness and size and there may be periods when there are no lights shown at all. You have to press the buzzer when you see the light flash but making sure not to take your focus off the central light.

There is no need to worry if you miss a light or press the buzzer by mistake as the machine will be aware of this and will show the light again as the computer is trying to determine the smallest and dimmest light you can see. The test is not at all painful but can sometimes take some time to do depending on your ability to see the lights. The test determines any early peripheral field loss, progression or any glaucoma and can even detect other neurological defects.

Visual field tests can also be used by the DVLA to ensure you have no field loss and are safe to drive. The method is the same but you will perform it binocularly (both eyes open).