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Janine Gray is a qualified orthoptist with over 30 years of experience and would be delighted to assist you today.

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What Is Nystagmus?

Nystagmus is when your eyes move (wobble) uncontrollably and tends to be a horizontal movement. You are unlikely to be aware of your eyes moving if the nystagmus is congential but it can cause reduced vision as the eyes cannot fix steadily on a target.

What Are The Causes Of Nystagmus?

Nystagmus is usually a congenital condition. This means you are usually born with it and it does not tend to change throughout your life.

Nystagmus can occasionally be acquired in later life due to a problem with the part of your brain that controls balance. If this happens, you will be aware of your vision jumping around and being blurred. Acquired nystagmus can be horizontal, vertical or torsional and can sometimes be treated with medication depending on the cause.

Is Nystagmus A Disability?

If the nystagmus is severe and vision is very poor, it is possible to be registered as partially sighted to get extra support.