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Janine Gray is a qualified orthoptist with over 30 years of experience and would be delighted to assist you today.

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Janine Gray qualified as an orthoptist in 1989 from the Welsh School of Orthoptics and have been practising for the last 35 years. She started her career at Moorfields Eye Hospital where she worked for 16 years, being instrumental in setting up the first outreach clinic at Northwick Park Hospital.

She also worked in Harley Street for 5 years before starting her family in 1997 and for the last 22 years, she has worked at the Clementine Churchill Hospital in Harrow and Spire Harpenden. In January 2021, Janine Gray returned to the NHS in Barnet for a maternity cover as acting Head orthoptist and has continued to work there as Deputy Head orthoptist from January 2023.

She is the Lead clinical tutor in her NHS post supervising undergraduate orthoptic students on their clinical placements teaching them their practical skills. Janine Gray also runs a vision screening service in private schools in Hertfordshire, Middlesex and North London detecting visual problems and squints in children aged between 4-7years old.

Janine Gray specialises in assessment and treatment of adult and childhood squints, reduced vision in 1 or both eyes needing treatment with patching and glasses, convergence insufficiency and assessment of double vision resulting from injury or neurological causes with treatment by prisms. She also regularly performs visual field assessments for glaucoma and the DVLA.

Janine Gray enjoys working with patients of all ages and is committed to providing the highest standard of care with patient satisfaction being of utmost importance to her. She works closely with ophthalmologists, optometrists, neurologists, paediatricians, ENT specialists and endocrinologists with patients being referred from a wide area including London, Hertfordshire, Essex, Buckinghamshire, Middlesex, Berkshire, Cambridgeshire, Wiltshire and even Yorkshire.

Orthoptics You Can Rely On
Qualified Professional With Over 30 Years Of Experience
Professional Memberships
Member of British and Irish Orthoptic Society & Member of the Health Care Professions Council

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