Ptosis (Droopy eye lid)
Janine Gray is a qualified orthoptist with over 30 years of experience and would be delighted to assist you today.

What Is Ptosis?
Ptosis can affect one or both eyelids and can be congenital (something you are born with) or acquired (caused by nerve damage or accident). It can be mild (not covering the pupil) or severe (covering the pupil and not allowing any light into the eye).
What Is Marcus Gunn Jaw-Winking Ptosis?
Sometimes, ptosis can be associated with a jaw movement so when you chew (or when a baby sucks a dummy), the eyelid will raise. This is called Marcus-Gun jaw winking phenomenon.
What Is Ptosis Treatment?
If you think your child has ptosis, it is important to see an orthoptist to have the vision assessed as the droopy eyelid can cause amblyopia (reduced vision) which can be treated with patching if needed.